Holland Computing Center and Attic (for backup)

SCP/SFTP Backup Commands

A HCC account is required to store any data on Attic.
If you have not already signed up for a HCC account, you can do so here.

SCP Command

To transfer files using SCP, use the following command, replacing "username" with your HCC username.

$ scp /source/file username@attic.unl.edu:/attic/crri/username

After inputting the above command, you will be asked to enter your password and be prompted to login using Duo two-factor authentication.
If you see anything along the lines of:

file              100%     256KB     4.2MB/s     00:00

the file has been successfully transferred.

SFTP Commands

The following set of commands will demonstrate how to use SFTP to transfer files. Again, be sure to replace "username" with your HCC username when executing these commands.

$ sftp username@attic.unl.edu

At this point, you will need to enter your HCC password and login using Duo two-factor authentication. The next few commands will transfer the files.

sftp> cd /attic/crri/username
sftp> put source/file /attic/crri/username

If you see anything along the lines of:

file              100%     256KB     4.2MB/s     00:00

the file has been successfully transferred and you may exit SFTP using:

sftp> exit