Holland Computing Center and Attic (for backup)

Globus Connect

A HCC account is required to transfer files to any of the HCC cluster endpoints through Globus.
If you have not already signed up for a HCC account, you can do so here.

Activating Globus Endpoints

Once you have an account, the next step is to activate the endpoints.
CRRI makes use of the Attic storage provided by HCC. This endpoint can be found under the name "hcc#attic".
The following link provides instructions on activating a HCC endpoint.

Globus Connect Personal

You may also set up an endpoint on your personal computer. This will allow you to easily send files from your computer straight to the Attic storage.
The links below provide instructions for installing a personal endpoint on your operating system.

To transfer files between two HCC clusters, both of their endpoints will have to be activated. After 7 days, a HCC endpoint will need to be reactivated.
For instructions on transferring files between endpoints, click here.